
Adrian Delaney – Principal
Adrian Delaney – Principal

Welcome to Plunket College of Further Education. Our website provides a guide to our courses on offer and will assist you in making an informed decision about your future. Each page provides details on course description, entry requirements, course content, education progression and career opportunities.

Plunket College was founded in 1967 and for over 50 years, Plunket College of Further Education has provided the highest quality education and training to the people of Whitehall, Dublin City, Dublin County and surrounding counties. All our courses are certified by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and all successful graduates will receive national certification awards.

Elaine O'Sullivan – Deputy Principal
Elaine O’Sullivan – Deputy Principal

The college has developed links with Employers and all students are required to complete a work placement as part of their study programme. The college also has established progression links with Institutes of Technologies and Universities.

Our student centred approach results in higher than national average completion and certification rates. Of our most recent graduates, 33% progressed directly into gainful employment and 25% progressed to Degree and Diploma courses in Institutes of Technologies and Universities.

A further 34% of our graduates progressed to further education and training courses in Plunket College of Further Education and other Colleges of Further Education including progression to traineeships and apprenticeships.

If you are a school leaver, an adult returning to education, an employee or an international student in Ireland, there is a course in the college to meet your needs. We invite you to look at our prospectus and choose a course that meets those needs. We encourage you to visit our college at any time where a warm welcome awaits you.

Adrian Delaney – Principal
Elaine O’ Sullivan – Deputy Principal