Furniture Craft and Design (Furniture Design and Making)

QQI Level 5 Major Award in Furniture Design and Making 5M2012

The aim of this course is to provide students with the essential skills and capabilities to design, plan and manufacture quality furniture. The course is strongly vocational as students’ time is spent between the fully equipped workshop and the drawing and design room. Students learn a variety of traditional and modern woodworking processes using the finest quality hardwoods, plastics, metals and other composite materials. As part of the course, students manufacture several articles of furniture which they have custom designed in their own style.

QQI Level 5 Award Subjects

  • Design Skills (5N0784)
  • Drawing (5N1862)
  • Furniture Making (5N1275)
  • Communications (5N0690)
  • Work Experience (5N1356)
  • Computer Aided Design (5N1604)
  • Combined Materials (5N0764)
  • Appreciation Art, Craft & Design (5N0755)

Course content may be revised for educational or organisational reasons.

Five passes in the Leaving Certificate/Applied or QQI Level 4 or equivalent qualification. Prior learning and practical work experience are taken into account at the interview stage. Mature and international students are most welcome to apply. A number of VTOS places are available

On successful completion of the course students can progress through the Higher Education Links scheme for entry to year one of a range of higher certificate and degree programmes at Institutes of Technology and Universities.

Students may also apply through UCAS to progress their studies in the United Kingdom.

Students may also progress to apprenticeships at

On completion of the course students will have acquired the skills necessary to work in the Furniture Craft and Design industry.